International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

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Vol. 8 No. 3 (2017)
Original Research Article

Business Model Patterns of B2B Mass Customizers: The Case of German Textile SMEs

Tim Mosig
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Center for Leading Innovation & Cooperation
Leontin Karl Grafmüller
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Center for Leading Innovation & Cooperation
Claudia Lehmann
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Center for Leading Innovation & Cooperation

Published 2017-09-30

abstract views: 53 // FULL TEXT ARTICLE (PDF): 0


  • Business Models,
  • B2B,
  • Mass Customization

How to Cite

Mosig, T., Grafmüller, L. K., & Lehmann, C. (2017). Business Model Patterns of B2B Mass Customizers: The Case of German Textile SMEs. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 8(3), 99–110.


The mass customization (MC) business model has gained wide recognition in practice. In theory, the topic was considered on a rather general level or focused on the B2C segment. However, there is littleresearch on business models in B2B markets. Particularly for specialized SMEs in high-wage countries, MC seems highly promising due to its efficiencies. The textile industry represents an example for narrow-specialized SMEs, especially focusing on the German market. The data we collected during 29 on-site visits through 33 interviews allowed us to map the three most common business model patterns of this industry regarding their characteristics in the B2B domain.


Article history: Received (02.10.2017); Revised (26.10.2017); Accepted (09.11.2017)

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