International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

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Vol. 8 No. 1 (2017)
Original Research Article

Application of Strategic Planning Methodology in Seven Brazilian Preincubated Enterprises in a Technological Innovation Center (TIC)

Nelson Santos Machado
University of the West of Santa Catarina
Darlan José Roman
University of the West of Santa Catarina
Renata Ziger
University of the West of Santa Catarina
Fabiana Ficagna
University of the West of Santa Catarina

Published 2017-03-30

abstract views: 34 // FULL TEXT ARTICLE (PDF): 0


  • Strategic planning,
  • Strategic management,
  • Micro and small businesses,
  • Startups

How to Cite

Machado, N. S., Roman, D. J., Ziger, R., & Ficagna, F. (2017). Application of Strategic Planning Methodology in Seven Brazilian Preincubated Enterprises in a Technological Innovation Center (TIC). International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 8(1), 9–19.


The general objective of this study was the application of the Strategic Planning Methodology in seven preincubated enterprises in the Technological Innovation Center (TIC) of Unoesc Chapecó, SC. The specific aims were: to prepare the strategic planning for the seven enterprises linked to Pre-incubator of the TIC from Unoesc Chapecó; to adjust the methodology to the characteristics and needs of young enterprises; to apply the methodology as a learning process and complement it with consultancies that enable to figure strategies and endow the enterprises with conditions to take advantage of them; to evaluate critically the adequacy of the methodology applied to the characteristics of the preincubated enterprises; and to propose improvements in the methodology, aiming to further broaden its applicability in small and medium-sized businesses. The methodological procedures followed qualitative approach with the multiple case study design and with the research-action method, which makes the collection processes and data analysis simultaneous. The results indicate that the methodology was appropriate to be applied to young enterprises simultaneously and collectively, for encouraging the participation, integration, high learning and the formation of collaborative network, and for attaching the process of strategies formulation to the consulting one, which focuses on the strategic management. This way, it is possible to assert that the outlined objectives were fully achieved.


Article history: Received (13.05.2016); Revised (12.01.2017); Accepted (10.03.2017)  

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