International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

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Vol. 4 No. 4 (2013)
Original Research Article

Lean Product Lifecycle Management Approach

Valentina Gecevska
Faculty of Mechanical Engenering, Unversity "Ss.Cyril and Methodius"
Zoran Anisic
Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad
Teodora Stojanova
Faculty of Mechanical Engenering, Unversity "Ss.Cyril and Methodius"

Published 2013-12-30

abstract views: 86 // FULL TEXT ARTICLE (PDF): 0


  • Product Lifecycle Management (PLM),
  • Lean PLM,
  • Product Structure

How to Cite

Gecevska, V., Anisic, Z., & Stojanova, T. (2013). Lean Product Lifecycle Management Approach. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 4(4), 207–214.


Companies in today's manufacturing environment must have repeatable, compliant and responsive business processes, global ICT information infrastructure that provides a single source of the truth and alignment across departments. The companies must first focus on the needs of their customer, continually minimize time to scale, eliminate waste, drive out costs and improve. With holistic strategy and supporting infrastructure, companies can achieve profitable growth. Lean as a strategy is about reducing waste wherever it occurs in the organization. It is useful to eliminate the unnecessary effort by people or machine, duplicated data and non-value activities as much as possible. This paper will describe how Lean concept with PLM business strategy can leverage Lean with integrated compliance and continual improvement to increase the return on R&D investments and provide sustainable and profitable growth for business processes mainly manufacturing processes. This paper presents one of the most widely-used PLM solution suites in the market, Siemens PLM software-Teamcenter, built on the latest IT technology. Teamcenter as an IT tool for Lean product lifecycle management (Lean PLM) offers the companies a lot of benefits. One of them is managing product structures, create and modify them in order to save time and resources.


Article history: Received (04.02.2013); Revised (26.04.2013); Accepted (27.05.2013)  

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