International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

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Vol. 4 No. 1 (2013)
Original Research Article

Developing Product-Service Systemswith InnoFunc®

Lena Wagner
Graduate School of Excellence advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME)
David Baureis
Graduate School of Excellence advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME)
Joachim Warschat
Technology and Innovation Management of Fernuniversität in Hagen

Published 2013-03-30

abstract views: 29 // FULL TEXT ARTICLE (PDF): 0


  • Early Phases,
  • Functional Analysis,
  • InnoFunc®,
  • Product-Service Systems (PSS)

How to Cite

Wagner, L., Baureis, D., & Warschat, J. (2013). Developing Product-Service Systemswith InnoFunc®. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 4(1), 1–9.


In times of globalization and saturated markets, requirements change significantly. A possibility to adapt to this can be found in the integration of products and services into so called Product-Service Systems (PSS). Migrating from a manufacturing company to a solutionprovider raises different challenges though, especially in the early phases of product development. The strategic question if animplementation of PSSis an appropriate step for a company has to be evaluated carefully. Therefore it is necessary to approximate this problem with a well-defined holistic approachwhich includes not only generating ideas but also identifying the needed competences. This paper introducesthe InnoFunc®-approach for developing PSSsuccessfully in the early phases and identifying the needed competences.


Article history: Received (26 April 2012); Revised (09December 2012); Accepted (16 January 2013)  

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