International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

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Vol. 3 No. 4 (2012)
Original Research Article

The Usage of Social Media Applications in Product Configurators

Paul Blazek
cyLEDGE Media GmbH
Monika Kolb
cyLEDGE Media GmbH
Martina Partl
cyLEDGE Media GmbH
Clarissa Streichsbier
cyLEDGE Media GmbH

Published 2012-12-30

abstract views: 40 // FULL TEXT ARTICLE (PDF): 0


  • Configurator,
  • Interaction,
  • Mass Customization,
  • Social Media

How to Cite

Blazek, P., Kolb, M., Partl, M., & Streichsbier, C. (2012). The Usage of Social Media Applications in Product Configurators. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 3(4), 179–183.


The objective of this paper is to analyze the usage of social media in mass customization. Configurating a product to the specific needs of each customer requires information exchange and interaction with the customer. Social media can be used not only for communication purposes but also for example to help the customer in the configuration process or enlarge the shopping experience. By analyzing 412 web-based product configurators we identified the status quo of social media usage in mass customization and discuss possibilities of integrating social media elements in configuration systems. To illustrate the results we give examples and show how social media can be applied.


Article history: Received (15 November 2012); Revised (01 December 2012); Accepted (05 December 2012)  

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