International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

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Vol. 13 No. 3 (2022)
Original Research Article

Design of disaster relief logistics network system by combining three data envelopment analysis-based methods

Jae-Dong Hong
South Carolina State University
Judith Mwakalonge
South Carolina State University
Ki-Young Jeong
University of Houston Clear Lake

Published 2022-09-30

abstract views: 59 // FULL TEXT ARTICLE (PDF): 0


  • Data envelopment analysis,
  • Disaster relief supply chain system,
  • Super efficiency,
  • Cross efficiency

How to Cite

Hong, J.-D., Mwakalonge, J., & Jeong, K.-Y. (2022). Design of disaster relief logistics network system by combining three data envelopment analysis-based methods. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 13(3), 172–185.


The recent pandemic outbreak and weather-related disasters show that there is no place immune from such emergency events. Thus, it would be essential to provide disaster re- lief items efficiently through a disaster relief logistics network system (DRLNS). This paper considers a design problem of DRLNS. For this purpose, this study presents a process of combining the multi-objective programming (MOP) model with the three data envelopment analysis (DEA)-based methods. Through a case study, the proposed MOP-DEA design framework would help the decision-makers better evaluate the efficiency of various DRLNS configurations and identify the robust and efficient ones among them.


Article history: Received (January 26, 2022); Revised (May 25, 2022); Accepted (June 1, 2022); Published online (June 10, 2022) 

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