International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

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Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021)
Review Article

Omnichannel Management in a B2B Context: Concept, Research Agenda and Bibliometric Review

Javier Alonso-Garcia
University of Alcala, Department of Economics and Business
Federico Pablo-Martí
University of Alcala, Department of Economics and Business
Estela Nunez-Barriopedro
University of Alcala, Department of Economics and Business

Published 2021-03-30

abstract views: 352 // FULL TEXT ARTICLE (PDF): 0


  • Omnichannel Management,
  • B2B,
  • Digital Transformation,
  • Literature review,
  • Bibliometric methods,
  • Research Agenda
  • ...More

How to Cite

Alonso-Garcia, J., Pablo-Martí, F., & Nunez-Barriopedro, E. (2021). Omnichannel Management in a B2B Context: Concept, Research Agenda and Bibliometric Review. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 12(1), 37–48.


The COVID-19 pandemic has driven increases in the provision of services through digital channels, even by more traditional companies. An Omnichannel model of service provision poses new management challenges for companies. This research reviews the literature on Omnichannel Management by companies whose clients are other companies (B2B) and classifies the different areas of research to date. The principal finding is that, despite considerable academic interest in Omnichannel management, there have been few studies of Omnichannel in the B2B field. This emphasizes a significant research gap to address. We have also outlined the Research Agenda to highlight future lines of research.


Article history: Received (October 18, 2020); Revised (January 28, 2021); Accepted (February 01, 2021); Published online (February 11, 2021)  

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