International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

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Vol. 11 No. 4 (2020)
Original Research Article

UAVs’ Efficient Assembly: Lean Manufacturing Implementation in an UAVs’ Assembly Company

Sofia A. Villacís
University San Francisco de Quito, Industrial Engineering Department
Pablo S. Burneo
University San Francisco de Quito, Industrial Engineering Department

Published 2020-12-30

abstract views: 126 // FULL TEXT ARTICLE (PDF): 0


  • UAV,
  • DMAIC,
  • Shojinka,
  • VOC,
  • Ranked Positional Weight

How to Cite

Villacís, S. A., & Burneo, P. S. (2020). UAVs’ Efficient Assembly: Lean Manufacturing Implementation in an UAVs’ Assembly Company. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 11(4), 237–252.


In the UAV (often called drones) industry a zero defects culture is required. However, process improvement through the DMAIC lean methodology has not been widely studied in this industry. This paper examines how to solve the increasing quality problems of a small drones’ assembly company. A circular DMAIC methodology was used as an adaptation of the DMAIC methodology. Principal results obtained demonstrate a reduction of the lead time and an increment in the leanness degree level from 23% to 60%. Multifunctional worker rate increased from 75% to 83% and motion waste was reduced almost in a 50%. Line balancing and Simulation were applied.


Article history: Received (August 25, 2020); Revised (December 1, 2020); Accepted (December 3, 2020); Published online (December 10, 2020)  

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