About the Journal

Journal name: Advanced Technologies and Materials
Abbreviated key title: Adv Techn Mat
ISSN: 2620-0325 (print)
ISSN: 2620-147X (online)
Start year: 1975
Language of text: English
Published biannually by:
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences
Department of Production Engineering
Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6
21000 Novi Sad
Publisher is a member of CrossRef – all papers get DOI
Advanced Technologies and Materials expects all the articles or papers to be original which are not published previously or submitted to any journal for consideration for publication. All articles published by the journal are accessible online immediately after publication.
ATM is sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of Republic of Serbia.
ATM does not accept or include advertisements of any nature in its publications. This decision is rooted in the journal's dedication to maintaining an editorial environment that is free from external influences and commercial considerations.
The Journal of Advanced Technologies and Materials is a technical publication that has been in continuous circulation since 1975. It was founded through collaborative efforts among professors and researchers from several mechanical engineering faculties within the former Yugoslavia. Initially known as Processing by Deformation, it retained this title until 1989. The Journal for Technology of Plasticity was first published as Tehnologija plastičnosti u mašinstvu (Technology of Plasticity) between 1990 and 1991. From 1992 onwards, the entire content of the Journal has been exclusively published in English, making it accessible to a global audience. Since 2018, the Journal has been published under its current name, Journal of Advanced Technologies and Materials. This transformation represents a new phase in the publication's journey. It involves a change in title and visual identity, as well as a paradigm shift in editorial policies. The introduction of new ideas and policies by the international editorial board demonstrates our commitment to raising standards. Moreover, the Journal's dedication to encompassing a broader spectrum of advanced technologies and materials is reflected in the expansion of its aims and scope. The manuscript preparation guidelines are stringent, the review process is enhanced, and the criteria for paper acceptance are rigorous, all of which signify a commitment to maintaining excellence and academic integrity within the publication.
We would like to express our gratitude to the contributors, reviewers, and readers who have been integral to our journey thus far. With enthusiasm and anticipation, we shall continue our exciting mission of disseminating pioneering research in advanced technologies and materials.