Advanced Technologies and Materials

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Vol. 43 No. 1 (2018)
Original articles

Thermal Properties of Materials used in Dental Medicine

Blaž Karpe
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Mateja Vodlan
LEK d.d., Ljubljana, Slovenia
Igor Kopač
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine
Igor Budak
University of Novi Sad, Faculty Technical Sciences
Aleš Nagode
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Alenka Pavlič
University of Novi Sad, Faculty Technical Sciences
Tatjana Puškar
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine
Borut Kosec
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering

Published 2023-09-30

abstract views: 63 // Full text article (PDF): 31


  • dental materials,
  • thermal properties,
  • transient plane source (TPS) method,,
  • measurement

How to Cite

Karpe, B., Vodlan, M., Kopač, I., Budak, I., Nagode, A., Pavlič, A., Puškar, T., & Kosec, B. (2023). Thermal Properties of Materials used in Dental Medicine. Advanced Technologies and Materials, 43(1), 7–10.


Today almost all manufacturers of dental materials in their certificates of material quality describe material chemical composition, mechanical properties, process ability and aesthetic characteristics, while information about thermal properties are not available. Within the interdisciplinary and international teamwork, thermal properties of five selected dental materials were measured, by modern transient plane source method in accordance with standard ISO 22007-2. Thermal properties were measured at temperature interval between 7 °C and 45 °C.

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