Contact stresses and forming load in upsetting of prismatic billets by V-shape dies

Published 2012-12-28
abstract views: 69 // Full text article (PDF): 21
- upsetting,
- V-shape die,
- theoretical solution,
- experiment
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Upsetting processes represent an elementary operation which is often integrated into complex technological processes of cold and hot bulk metal forming. These processes also play significant role in material formability analyses. For that reason it is important to know the stress-strain state and main parameters of the process. These parameters can be determined by different methods: pure theoretical, experimental and numerical method. In this paper, process of upsetting of prismatic billet by V-shape dies has been analyzed theoretically and experimentally. Stress component were determined by using the method of solving approximate equilibrium equation, whereas forming load was obtained by integration of contact stresses and verified experimentally.