Selected deformation of soft plating layer during joint cold rolling of three-layer strip

Published 2003-12-26
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The article presents analytical investigation for the determination of the cold plating technological process parameters. First of all it is necessary to take into account the irregularity of level-by-level deformations, because during the plating of the soft layer (brass) material is more deformed, than the material of hard (steel) layer. In the zone of selected deformation there is "creep" of the soft plating layer in connection with the fact that the soft layer has smaller withstanding capability because of lower flow stress - normal pressure on the surface of contact. It is ascertained the zone of the selected deformation length is very small, the most essential influencing on the creep degree of the soft layer renders a friction coefficient. During the threelayer package rolling without the tension of entering strip ends selected deformation is essential. When plating in the field of the selected deformation the withstanding capability of the basic layer decreases insignificantly.