Advanced Technologies and Materials

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Vol. 36 No. 2 (2011): Journal for Technology of Plasticity
Original articles

Analysis of cold forging process by adaptive FEM method

Saša Ranđelović
University of Nis, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Nis, Serbia
Friedrich Krumphals
Graz University of Technology, Austria
Miloš Jovanović
University of Nis, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Nis, Serbia
Dejan Tanikić
University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, Serbia
Dalibor Đenadić
University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, Serbia

Published 2011-12-30

abstract views: 134 // Full text article (PDF): 16


  • Forging technology,
  • ALE formulation,
  • mesh distortion

How to Cite

Ranđelović, S., Krumphals, F., Jovanović, M., Tanikić, D., & Đenadić, D. (2011). Analysis of cold forging process by adaptive FEM method. Advanced Technologies and Materials, 36(2), 137–146. Retrieved from


In this paper is presented implementation of adaptive finite element method in real conditions of plastic deformation during cold forging process simulation, with observing of the characteristic areas in stress-strain field in tool cavity, as well as material displacement. The researches and development of this methods and their application in non-linear solid mechanics in last decade are focused on creating the most suitable algorithm model for analyze for concrete forming process. These efforts resulted in flexible and adaptable numerical methods which allow following deformation process through observing of material flow, stress-strain state and many other process parameters for very complex predefined conditions. The analyses and results of this numerical model that approximate real-state forming process with a high level of accuracy is a great advantage of this methods, especially in case of solving problems with large boundary motion in non-linear solid mechanics, for instance, in bulk forging technology.

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