International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

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Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019)
Original Research Article

Controlling the Quality of Industrial Engineering and Management Education: Structural Analysis of Austrian Degree Programs and Implications for Higher Education Institutions

Ulrich Bauer
Graz University of Technology, Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology
Sigrid Weller
Graz University of Technology, Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology

Published 2019-03-30

abstract views: 41 // FULL TEXT ARTICLE (PDF): 0


  • Industrial Engineering and Management,
  • Degree Program,
  • Controlling,
  • Higher Education Institution,
  • Qualification profile,
  • Employability,
  • Quality
  • ...More

How to Cite

Bauer, U., & Weller, S. (2019). Controlling the Quality of Industrial Engineering and Management Education: Structural Analysis of Austrian Degree Programs and Implications for Higher Education Institutions. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 10(1), 1–6.


Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) degree programs have always been popular and successful, especially during the last thirty years. Many Higher Education Institutions (HEI) offer a wide range of study programs, and this range continues to expand.This has led to the problem that different programs and qualification profiles are no longer clearly comparable. The Austrian Association of IEMs (WING) sought a solution which wouldensure the high quality of IEM degree programs and the employability of IEMprofessionals. Therefore, a controlling approach was chosen,which led to satisfactory results, primarily with regard to transparency. This paper presents the approach and the results of a structural analysis and two online surveys, conducted as part of the IEMProfession Online Study carried out in 2018.


Article history: Received (28.12.2018); Revised (22.01.2019); Accepted (13.02.2019)  

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