Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design

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Vol. 15 No. 4 (2024): JGED - December 2024
Preliminary report

A study to Chinese domestic luxury visual brand logo: From domestic to global

Wang Zheng
University Malaysia Sarawak, Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, Sarawak, Malaysia
Louis Ringah Kanyan
University Malaysia Sarawak, Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, Sarawak, Malaysia
Musdi Bin Shanat
University Malaysia Sarawak, Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, Sarawak, Malaysia

Published 2024-12-01

abstract views: 64 // Full text article (PDF): 25


  • Chinese domestic luxury brands,
  • logotype,
  • signaling theory,
  • Chinese culture,
  • branding,
  • Chinese consumers,
  • luxury fashion industry
  • ...More

How to Cite

Zheng, W., Ringah Kanyan, L., & Bin Shanat, M. (2024). A study to Chinese domestic luxury visual brand logo: From domestic to global. Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design, 15(4), 19–28.


The present study examines the logotypes of successful Chinese domestic luxury brands (CDLBs), Shanghai Tang and Shang Xia, in order to reveal the underlying resonance between Chinese values and aesthetics. Based on signaling theory, the research underscores the importance of incorporating Chinese cultural elements into the branding strategies of CDLBs to attract Chinese consumers and distinguish themselves within the luxury fashion industry. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, comprising literature review, case analysis, and in-depth interviews, to analyze data from three distinct perspectives: contemporary trends, Chinese name selection, and the incorporation of local cultural elements in design. The findings suggest that CDLBs must strike a balance between conforming to current trends, particularly simplicity, and preserving authenticity, when selecting a Chinese name that holds cultural significance, and integrating traditional design elements in the details. This research provides practical guidance for professionals in the field and paves the way for future studies to explore related topics.

Article history: Received (February 18, 2023); Revised (October 24, 2023); Accepted (November 14, 2023)

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