Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design

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Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): JGED - June 2024
Professional paper

A new approach for effective productivity management of newspaper printing press

Avijit Kar
Jadavpur University, Salt Lake Campus, Department of Printing Engineering, Kolkata, India
Arun Kiran Pal
Jadavpur University, Salt Lake Campus, Department of Printing Engineering, Kolkata, India

Published 2024-06-01

abstract views: 67 // Full text article (PDF): 85


  • Total productivity,
  • partial productivity,
  • overall effectiveness,
  • failure probability

How to Cite

Kar, A., & Kiran Pal, A. (2024). A new approach for effective productivity management of newspaper printing press. Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design, 15(2), 17–29.


Within the modern commercial printing press, a common problem is the efficient management of the maintenance of different machines of newspaper printing press. If Effective Maintenance Management is applied, productivity of the machines can be increased by reducing breakdown time of the machine. Productivity Management is an organizational framework that helps machines to improve productivity. Productivity of a machine is dependent on the failure probability which can be controlled by technical and management actions. The present investigation is established by the analysis of productivity, effectiveness and failure probability on the basis of Pareto Analysis. Pareto chart is also developed to understand the actual scenario where highest priority events are sequentially arranged. It has been observed that the web-offset printing machine has the highest productivity and effectiveness with less failure probability while the exposure unit has the highest failure probability having low productivity and effectiveness. Based on the reduction of probability of failure to meet the acceptable criteria, further maintenance planning can be suggested. This approach confirms that productivity and effectivity of the machines of newspaper printing press can be increased by considering consequences of the machines and their corresponding failure assessments.

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